Questions I should have asked to Recording Legends
It's weird now , when I think back, why didn't I ask more questions about their experiences while recording world famous artists , to well known engineer /producers like Eddie Kramer, Eddy Offord, Tony Visconti, Terry Brown, Tom Dowd, and many others...I guess it was being a relative "rookie" in terms of experience...plus not wanting to interfere while they were working...BUT, there was a lot of personal time between myself and them.....so I could have been more inquisitive...Eddy Offord came to my home one time for dinner with our family..Eddie Kramer called me out of the blue about a month ago, Terry Brown was in the store a few months ago, Tony Visconti offered me a job, as did Kramer..I guess it was also because I was being polite and being "Canadian" I guess.. Now when I listen to bands like ELP ,Yes, Skynrd, Stones, Beatles, Zeppelin, Rush, Allman Brothers, Aretha, Ray Charles..and so many more..I wish I wasn't quite so Canadian...I wish I pressed for more stories and insights...I DO have lots of amazing stories, and lots of real insights, and my experiences have made Executive Stereo what it is today.
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