“Anne Margrock”
Every studio has periods where they are looking for business….any business…
So to fill in some summer “downtime” ,the studio owner offered some amazing rates for “big name clients”…
One July day, an engineer who I’d had some dealings with in Los Angeles, and his friend came by to see the studio. The engineer was Barry, I remember that, but his friend was the most memorable. His name was Paul Sabu, and he had a very striking appearance…dark, tanned and muscular….It turned out his father was “the” SABU from countless Hollywood films, in the 60’s ….”Tarzan” type of films…maybe he WAS Tarzan at one time…I’m not sure..
Anyway in a few days they came back to the studio to do vocal tracks for a new album, with Paul Sabu as the producer, that Anne Margret was putting out…sexy , disco sounding songs, similar to Donna Summer’s hit style at the time.
Well,…for your average 20 year old male, meeting somebody like Anne Margret is a dream come true, and here I was setting up microphones, joking with and mostly gazing constantly…no – STARING..at this amazingly beautiful lady , who was so nice and so down to earth, that I was totally “smitten”.
Her singing voice was quite nice, and she could really “belt it out” on occasion. We did the vocal tracks in about 3 days, and I was very sad to see the session end. But as Anne and her entourage were leaving the studio for the last time , she came up to me and gave me a very nice “full body hug” and said ‘Thanks for making me feel so comfortable in Canada”…Well, I was in heaven for the next few days , thanks to that one hug, and when her secretary called the next day to get a cassette copy of the mixes brought to Anne’s suite at the Summit Place, it was up to me as the studio’s contact , to take on the task of delivering this tape to Ms. Margret’s suite. So as any ‘able bodied’ young man would do..I had a million “awesome” scenarios going through my head when ‘Anne’ opened the door to her suite and invited me in….Yeah, right….her secretary answered, took the tape and basically slammed the door in my face. So, I’m left with the ‘Hug’ of a lifetime…oh well there’s a memory for a lifetime too.
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